Globally, WhatsApp and Facebook suffered a major outage recently for more than six hours. Telegram founder says 70 million new users were added in this time. The Facebook company blamed a bad configuration that prevented users from accessing its WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger services. This is a good achievement for Telegram for nearly six hours, key messaging services were unavailable worldwide. As a result of the outage, Facebook’s 3.5 billion users were unable to access services.
Growth Rate Telegram During WhatsApp and Facebook outage:
The daily growth rate of the telegram is the normal order of magnitude. Six-hour outage telegram welcomes 70 million new users in one day. Telegram owner Pavel Durov wrote a Telegram channel. Telegram experienced a record increase in user registrations and activity yesterday. Over 500 million people are active on Telegram, which has over 1 billion downloads.

Pavel Durov proud of team
Telegram owner Pavel Durov is proud of their team to handle the unprecedented growth. They continuously work and handle the users. That said, some new users in America face slower speeds than usual. Because millions of new users joined at the same time.
Facebook Vice President Infrastructure Santosh Janardhan statement:
In a statement, Facebook claimed the outage, which affected 3.5 billion users, caused by a faulty configuration change. According to Facebook, the outage did not compromise any user information. The company apologizes to everyone affected and is working to understand what happened, so we can improve our infrastructure.