Marketing Books

Top 10 Marketing Books To Revolutionize Any Business: The great management expert Peter Drucker once said, “Business has only two basic functions – marketing and innovation.” With the explosion of Covid-19 earlier this year, this quote never made much sense.

Companies need to be innovative and disruptive, but marketing is where growth really starts taking things to a new level. As such, every entrepreneur should read and re-read the following 11 marketing books to take advantage of the opportunities that exist today. While some companies will continue to struggle in the coming months, others will assert.

Here are Top 10 Marketing Books To Revolutionize Any Business

Marketing Books 1

Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy

Ogilvy has worked on several campaigns including Rolls Royce, Schweppes, and Hathaway Shirts. They are still considered classics today. He emphasizes the importance of headlines and the power of a USP (unique selling point) in all your marketing and advertising.

Marketing Books 2

Jay Abraham- How to Get Everything You Can Out of Everything You’ve Got

Jay Abraham is considered an expert when it comes to joint ventures. He also talks about the importance of something called the power Parthenon. He is a genius in finding many ways for companies to promote their bottom line. You may be able to find some of their high-end seminars on eBay, but their books are actually some of the best material you can find from them. 

Marketing Books 3

Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene M. Schwartz

Lifting used marketing books for less than $ 10 is not difficult. Not this book. While it is available online for free, people still pay $ 250 for the used print version. And this work is worth every penny. Chapter 4 is titled “38 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Headline Once You Have Your Basic Idea.” That should tell everything you need to know about the book.

Marketing Books 5

Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Godin has written some excellent books on marketing which are so beneficial. The books include Permission Marketing and The Icarus Effect but this was my personal favorite. In short, it talks about the importance of constantly working to stand out from all other cows in the field of business. While many companies look to their competitors to shape their advertising, products, and services, Godin talks of doing the opposite.

Marketing Books 6

Influence: Science and Practice by Robert Cialdini

A book that marketing legend Dan Kennedy tells his attendees to attend in his workshops. It breaks marketing into six principles and uses many examples to explain each and it is surprisingly enjoyable. All of this is extremely powerful because of the science and research that Cialdini has put into it.

Marketing Books 7

Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk

This is the newest book on this list, but definitely the one that takes an in-depth look at social media marketing and how to best tailor your content to suit each platform. It also contains the success stories of many individuals making it a great reference book for various industries.

Marketing Books 8

Al Ries and Jack Trout- Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind by 

The book was named the best marketing book of all time by the Advertising Age. Personally, I would rank some of the other books on this list a bit more, but still, it deserves a spot on your bookshelf. For those who would like to lighten up a bit, Ries and Trout have also written The 22 Immutable Laws of Advertising which is a very quick read.

Marketing Books 9

Triggers by Joseph Sugarman

An absolute gemstone of a book that does not talk about enough. In the late ’70s and early’ 80s, Sugarman held a 5-day direct marketing seminar for small group people. Part of his presentation was called Psychological Trigger in which many attendees not only credited it for being the most interesting, but they also benefited the most. 

Marketing Books 11

The Life of P.T. Barnum by P.T. Barnum

Facebook and LinkedIn have done “personal branding” into the digital age, but P.T. Barnum was the original expert on self-promotion. This book is a fascinating read on how he was able to create, enhance, and strengthen their public image in half a century at a time before computers.

Marketing Books 10

Guerilla Marketing by Jay Conrad Levinson

It was the first book written specifically with entrepreneurs and small business owners in mind. Its concept focuses on being cost-effective and creative to gain visibility. It was updated back in 2007, using concepts for our digital age. Whether you are looking for ideas online or offline for your business, this is a book you want to read.


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