Hey what’s up guys today we’re going through about using click Funnels for your Shopify drop shipping store so today guys are gonna be going through an actual example of somebody using click Funnels for their Shopify drop shipping store how you guys can also utilize it to get more sales and ultimately convert more people on your stores without further do you guys in a second I’m gonna hop on to the website and show you how to do it are yes we are now on the website.

The website example for today is locks health so while not showing you exactly how to make a click Funnel I’m showing you how click funnels could be utilized potentially for your Shopify drop shipping stores so this year is a Funnel that was created by looks health it is a health beauty brand focused and predominantly around selling waist trainers that is her main product but she sells on her store so this here is a Funnel that was created to help convert people to buy ultimately by her product right so, it’s actually check out what the product is this is her website looks health so the main product that she is selling like I said is the waist trainer so as you can see medium long torso like there’s a whole bunch of waist trainer type products that is pretty much what she sells on the website mostly around like fitness you know people losing weight with it and stuff like that so that is the actual business and so this is the click Funnels that she utilizes for it.

So how how and why does she use click Funnels for herself I store so the way that you actually get to this link here is through her YouTube channels or YouTube channel talks about products talks about how to lose weight with it okay her most popular videos about like waist training update before and after pictures of review seven days that fits all these different types of fitness related videos ultimately pushing a horror waist training products so the way that you actually get to the click Funnel here with the lose two to four inches off your waist and create that hourglass figure in the next thirty days.

The way that you get there is from and it takes you right to her click Funnel so her click Funnel here is giving you information as you see there’s a information about the product. It’s a five dollar off coupon and it’s a pretty much taking you through a funnel if you’re not familiar with what a is a sales funnel basically that tells you all about the product benefits everything meet maybe even see you know some customer pictures especially for the health and fitness network something where there’s any kind of transformation shown with the product that’s very popular for people to use as you can see there’s before and after type pictures from different customers that she’s had on the store and so you can see the difference even with herself before and after utilizing the product and so this is common for any kind of fitness brand the use this typically on their sales pages to show what the product can actually do for people.

It has customer reviews like little little things with people saying all this is my testimonial this is why I love it so much you know talking about the product and then it’s five dollar coupon talk about the specific products themselves what they all show the recommendations for each of them pretty much a leading you straight into a Funnel here even of private Facebook group here for talking about the products more asking questions stuff like that like it’s a Facebook support group that she has she also has a bunch of different videos from her channel talking about it and at the bottom I don’t the codes to me the website or the five dollar off coupon code so this here is a click Funnel that she’s utilizing to help sell products so what I was saying earlier later in the video gonna tell you why and how she’s using the so the reason why she’s using is is to teach people about the product so if you’re around like Facebook ads or Instagram promotions and stuff like that someone just you just take them straight to your sales picture.

Are your product your product page right so let’s say you’re running an Instagram account and you just send people right to this okay they may not necessarily by because they don’t really know too much about the product so what you could do on your Instagram page on your Facebook page on your YouTube page on any pages or social media platforms you can then link people to your click Funnel page instead of just directly to your Shopify product page because what this does is instead of linking people directly the product as they might not know a lot about you yet they may not know all about your product what has to offer and and this could be used you know for your flagship product or you know whatever you’re trying to sell this this is what could be used most popular product could be used through this Funnel I just depends on the kind of store that you’re running but instead of letting people directly to the product page you could link them then and send the traffic alternately whether it’s through Facebook Instagram YouTube Twitter whatever kind of promotions you’re using you send the traffic instead to your click Funnel which then teaches people about the product gets them warmed up for it and gets them ultimately more eager to buy the product at the end of the day and so this entire Funnel is this designed around selling the product where as a Shopify page doesn’t exactly sell the product it more so just allows people to be able to buy it okay so that’s a big difference there between your Shopify store injure click Funnel now I recommend you utilize definitely have your Shopify store and then you could potentially utilize click falls for helping to sell your product is not exactly a replacement here do you still need people to be able to buy from your store because your store is really the thing that hath hosts all of your products what how you gonna be drop shipping through in all of that you definitely still need your store but click Funnels can be used to help sell your products to people that aren’t familiar with what you’re selling yet now if you guys are not actually start your Shopify stores yet I do have a fourteen day free trial link down the scripture box below if you want to support the channel you go ahead and click that link in the description and if you had Do we Have own product page, so let’s say you’re running an Instagram account and you just send people right to this, may not necessarily by because they don’t really know too much about the product, so what you could do on your Instagram page or your Facebook page or on your YouTube page or on any pages or social media platforms, you can then link people to your click Funnel page instead of just directly to your Shopify product page, because instead of linking people directly the product as they might not know a lot about you yet they may not know all about your product, what has to offer and this could be used, you know for your flagship product or you know whatever you’re trying to sell this is what could be used most popular product could be used through this Funnel.

I just depends on the kind of store that you’re running, but instead of letting people directly to the product page you could link them, send the traffic alternately whether it’s through Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, whatever kind of promotions you’re using, you send the traffic instead to your click Funnel which then teaches people about the product gets them warmed up for it and gets them ultimately more eager to buy the product at the end of the day and so this entire Funnel is this designed around selling the product where as a Shopify page doesn’t exactly sell the product it more so just allows people to be able to buy it, That’s a big difference there between your Shopify store with click Funnel now I recommend you utilize definitely have your Shopify store and then you could potentially utilize click funnels for helping to sell your product is not exactly a replacement, here do you still need people to be able to buy from your store because your store is really the thing that has hosts all of your products what how you do through drop shipping,in all of that you definitely still need your store but click Funnels can be used to help  sell your products to people that aren’t familiar with it.

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