After three years of pandemic, Corona is still a mystery, which causes the infection and keeps on evolving rapidly. Presently, Omicron is spreading rapidly across the world. Now, it is a third wave of Covid-19 around us in India, while in many countries in Europe and the USA, it is the fourth wave.
In the previous waves, Omicron infections are generally regarded as less deadly as symptoms so far have been mild and the couple of hospitalizations has been less. But doctors warned about the chances of spreading infections which are like wildfire.
If we differentiate between the Omicron and Covid-19, then it is more transmissible and the severity of the disease is also a little less. As there is difference between the symptoms of omicron, mainly it is throat-related and in Delta, the lungs symptoms are included. There is a loss of taste included in Delta infection which is not in the case of Omicron.
As there are fewer chances of getting recovered completely :
Before doing anything else, make sure that you are completely recovered. Wait for at least 14 days since the day you were symptom free. It is a tough time to be completely sure that you are perfectly fine and safe to step out. Research shows that patients have mild symptoms of covid for at least 7 days even after recovery.
Keep away from other people and pets in your home.
Necessary to wear a mask if people are around you. Keep your masks away from your children, they shouldn’t be worn by them.
Cover your mouth if you are sneezing or coughing with the tissue, don’t use that tissue again and throw it. After that wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol based hand sanitizer
If possible, stay in your room and use a separate washroom from other people in the home.
Use separate dishes, glasses, cups, and eating utensils and just don’t share these with other people in the home. After using them, run them through the dishwasher and wash them off with very hot soapy water.
Use separate bedding and towels, and don’t share it with other household members.
Do not allow visitors in your home which includes children and adults.
All household members should wash their hands well and wash their hands for at least 20 seconds and use alcohol based hand sanitizer.
If you are caring for someone who is suffering from covid-19 or who has symptoms, continue to take precautions until your doctor says it’s safe to stop doing so. Also tell other people who may have been in close contact with the person who is infected.
To get the most updated and relevant information for your family, call the doctor’s office, your child’s school district, or your health department.